Making a career transformation mid-life may seem daunting but it’s not impossible. You just have to plan strategically and take the right steps to make it happen. In India, where career options vary widely, making a career move in your 30s can open up a world of opportunities that you didn’t know existed!
When it comes to determining the best option for career transformation, it is important to consider salaries. Salary packages can vary drastically depending on the location and industry, but it is important to know your worth before you make any decisions. The median salary for those over 30 years old in India ranges from Rs. 4.3 to 12.3 lakhs. These salaries are competitive and can open up new frontiers for individuals that want to make a switch.
Photo by Johannes W on Unsplash
While stepping out of your comfort zone to try something new can be intimidating, the rewards it can bring are immeasurable. To illustrate this, let's look at the story of Rohit. After working in the same industry for more than a decade and feeling frustrated and undervalued, he decided to give career transformation a shot. After months of extensive research and hard work, Rohit changed his industry, leaving behind his previous salary of Rs. 6.5 lakhs and increasing it to Rs. 12.3 lakhs.
Rohit is just one example of how career transformation at 30 can pay off. There are plenty of other inspiring stories that showcase how innumerable opportunities are available to those looking to make a change. All you have to do is identify your skills, research the market and actively pursue the desired career.
Of course, even the best plans can go awry. If you can identify some key challenges that could hinder your progress, you can better plan for them. For example, Rohit found that his lack of technology and coding skillsets was a major hurdle. Without the appropriate knowledge, he felt overwhelmed and unable to make any progress. To tackle this challenge, he took courses to learn the skills needed to thrive in his new career.
If you want to transition into a career change in India, here are some actionable steps that can help you make the most of this opportunity:
Making a major career move can seem daunting and challenging. But you can make it a success if you remember to stay open to change and willing to put in the work. Networking, researching the market, and learning new skills can help you overcome any challenge in the path of career transformation. With the right plan and a bit of dedication, you can set yourself up for a successful career move at 30.
Deciding to make a career change at 30 can open up a world of opportunities, even in India. You just have to be willing to step out of your comfort zone, research the market and actively pursue the desired career. Remember to make use of networking and resources to maximize your chances of success. Do all this, and you can breathe new life into your career by making a successful career transformation at 30.