Last updated on May 7, 2023
Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash
It is no secret that making the jump to a new, challenging, professional environment is often daunting. When it comes to making the jump to creative and legal career transitions in India, most are uncertain of how best to go about making the leap. Here, we are determining the best strategies for making this jump, as well as the potential salaries and skills needed for successful career transitions.
Making a career transition in India is more than just a professional growth opportunity. It also provides distinct personal and financial benefits. India is widely recognized as a hub for business opportunties— often, difficult to unearth and execute— but, just as often, these opportunities pose avenues for exponential growth. Making a career transition to a more specialized field can yield the potential for more professional success, more competitive compensation package, and greater job security.
In addition, transitioning to a different sector or environment in India can also provide the much-needed sense of adventure that often comes with shifting gears and changing roles. This can be a great way to revitalize your career and jump-start a new chapter that can bring with it a whole new set of experiences and learning. Of course, it can also provide the opportunity to work with some of India’s most well-renowned organizations and to gain experience that can help you in the future down the road.
When making the jump to any new career transition in India, it’s important to understand the necessary qualifications and requirements for success. Depending on the nature of the career transition, you may need a certain amount of education, experience, and specialized training. Below, we’re outlining some of the common qualifications for certain legal and creative career transitions.
If you are pursuing a career transition in India, you should also be aware of the job prospects. Of course, it is important to factor in the industry and sector you are entering, as jobs vary in terms of availability, pay, and other key considerations. Additionally, you should also ensure you possess the skills and qualifications necessary to succeed in your new environment. Lucky for those transitioning, India is a country rife opportunity, providing professionals the ability to really differentiate themselves by honing in on their specialties.
While a career transition in India can be beneficial in many ways, the financial implications of such a move can be a deciding factor. Fortunately, there are many opportunities for individuals to receive financial rewards for their efforts and for those utilizing their specialized skillset. Here are some average salaries based on a few of the more popular career transitions in India.
These figures are estimates and, of course, can depend on industry, location, and an individual’s experience. It’s important to note that, regardless of the financial considerations, upward mobility through a career transition in India can be incredibly rewarding.
Sometimes, it can be far more beneficial to look to successful examples of career transitions in India. One such example is Mohit Sharma, a former corporate lawyer who made the jump to the creative industry. Working as a creative lead for a prominent advertising agency, he was able to benefit from his legal background. Utilizing the expertise and understanding of the process gained from his prior role, he was able to be successful in his transition.
Another inspiring example is Lucy Tandon who transitioned from a financial services career to a legal one. With a mix of law education, knowledge from her financial services profession, and practice, she has found success as a corporate lawyer, utilizing the combined expertise from both fields. With an understanding of the financial markets combined with her ability to negotiate contracts and her technical savvy, she is a great example of being able to combine prior work experience with a new transition into the legal field.
For those looking to make a transition in India, there are numerous challenges to account for. From visa considerations to honing in on the necessary skills, prospective job seekers need to ensure they’re properly preparing. Here are some key points to consider when making a career transition in India.
Making the jump to a creative or legal career transition in India can be an incredible rewarding experience, both personally and professionally. Understanding the unique considerations when making a career move in India and being mindful of the preparation that ensues can ensure that you’ll be as successful as possible when making this move. With ample salary considerations, diverse cultures and work environments, exciting opportunities, and the potential for immense growth — it’s worth taking the risk and jumping into a creative and legal career transition in India.